The enhanced Fleckvieh range offers a wide choice for both pure breeding and crossbreeding programmes. In addition, farmers who use robotic milking systems, or breed for polledness, are certain to find a suitable match in CRV’s wide range of bulls.
New bulls show progress in the CRV Fleckvieh breeding programme

CRV’s progressive Fleckvieh breeding programme has proven its value in the December 2022 index run. The excellent breeding values of a high number of new InSire bulls highlight the rapid genetic progress more than ever before. The daughter performances of already popular InSire bulls prove that selection based on genomic breeding values really works in practice.
Daughters confirm genomic breeding values
In this index run, two widely used bulls were awarded their first breeding values based on the performance of their daughters. These values confirm the genomic breeding values.
Ikea (Imperativ x Manton) demonstrates his abilities as a genuine dual-purpose Fleckvieh bull by combining a milk index of 114 and a beef index of 118. He also scores 112 for longevity and +6% CRV Efficiency. Daughters by Ikea have good legs (110) and udders (107). His progeny perform well for beef production with 112 for daily net gain, 114 for carcass percentage and 114 for classification. Ikea scores 126 on the GWZ index.
Hansa (Hugoboss x Mint) currently rates a GZW of 129. His daughters are testimony to his qualities as a bull for high milk production of +1193 kg and a milk index of 125. Hansa will pass on strong feet and legs (119) and good udders (110) and also boosts udder health (114). With a breeding value of 112 for milking speed, Hansa also contributes to correcting the milking speed of slower cows. His daughters are ideal for automatic milking systems.
The popular daughter proven bulls Hollister (Haribo x Hupsol) and Wellington (Wiffzack x Watt) have maintained their high breeding values of 127 GZW and 129 GZW, respectively.

Hashtag sons merit high genomic breeding values
This index run has revealed a number of new bulls with high genomic breeding values, including several sons by Hashtag. Halcedo (Hashtag x Rolls) scores 147 GZW, for example. This bull passes on abundant milk (+1487 kg and 134 milk index) but also has a beef index of 118, which results in +11% CRV Efficiency. Halcedo improves the milking speed (131) and contributes to better udder health (114).
Another interesting new Hashtag son is Han Solo (Hashtag x Rolls). He scores 145 GZW. Han Solo thanks his milk index of 134 to a combination of more than 1000 kg milk with +0.06% fat and +0.07% protein. He has very good fitness traits and a breeding value of 114 for udder health. Han Solo produces daughters with super udders (breeding value 121).
Hopfer (Hashtag x Wieweit) offers a balanced inheritance pattern. He partners a milk index of 123 with a breeding value for longevity of 133 and a beef index of 124. Hopfer's daughters will produce with ultimate ease. With scores including 114 for udder health and 117 for daughter fertility, Hopfer has +8% CRV Health. Hopfer has a GZW of 146 and is suitable for use on Fleckvieh maiden heifers.

Bull sire Zeiger is a hero for health
Zeiger is another bull sire showing his heroic breeding power in this index run. His sons are notable for their all-round inheritance pattern with high breeding values for health traits. Zarino Pp (Zeiger x Mahango Pp) scores +9% CRV Health with 130 for daughter fertility and 122 for udder health. In addition, he offers a milk index of 120, a beef index of 118 and a longevity breeding value of 120. Zarino Pp passes on good udders with longer than average teats. He scores 142 GZW and half of his calves will be born polled.
Zeneka (Zeiger x Waltking) is also a health traits specialist with +9% CRV Health, 121 for daughter fertility and 117 for udder health. His daughters guarantee efficient milk and beef production with a milk index of 128, a beef index of 114 and a longevity breeding value of 110, adding up to +11% CRV Efficiency. Zeneka passes on more than 1000 kg of milk with neutral components and has a GZW of 143.
Scoring 145 GZW Zack (Zeiger x Waltking) is the highest ranking new Zeiger son. He also transmits good health traits (121 for daughter fertility, 117 for udder health and +8% CRV Health) and efficient milk and beef production. He offers a milk index of 124 with almost 1000 kg of milk, a beef index of 125 and a breeding value longevity of 118. Zack is also an udder improver (111).

Component kings Montasio and Walter
CRV has two wonderful new InSire bulls to offer farmers who breed with a focus on fat and protein percentages. Montasio (Makay x Pascal) is a real component king with +0.30% fat and +0.17% protein. He also passes on 632 kg of milk. Montasio also gives excellent conformation with 117 for frame, 106 for feet and legs and 120 for udders. He improves the milking speed (118) and contributes to better udder health (120). His GZW is 139.
Walter (Westwind x Haribo) is another bull whose daughters are destined to give high fat and protein production. His breeding value is 502 kg milk with +0.13% fat and +0.09% protein. He also contributes fabulous conformation with breeding values of 109 for frame, 110 for muscularity, 116 for feet and legs and 126 for udders. Walter improves longevity (128) and boosts persistency (117). He scores 137 on the GWZ index.