Biomin® BioStabil

Preserves the energy in your silage
- Better Fermentation
- Higher Energy Content
- Protein Preservation
Biomin® BioStabil
Biomin® BioStabil
BIOMIN developed the Biomin® BioStabil product range tailored to meet our customers’ needs, as a total package for ensiling a full variety of forage crops over a range of dry matter content. Published research on Biomin® BioStabil has shown effectiveness over a wider variety of forages and conditions.
Biomin® BioStabil increases qualitative and nutritional value of the silage and provides superior aerobic stability.
Biomin® BioStabil is easy-to-use, offering excellent solubility. Biomin® BioStabil is non-corrosive and free from genetically modified organisms (GMO-free).